Thursday, August 27, 2015

HCH 13 and 20 Aug 2015

Hello everybody~ Sorry i was a little caught up with work and also online gaming thus I've neglected this space for 2 weeks.

Not sure if any of you guys were checking this space out for your videos, if you were I am very sorry for the delay.

The process of getting the video out from your phone and editing it ain't exactly that difficult since we are using only 1 cam with 1 view. And youtube is really making it way way easier. The court ain't very well lit and Youtube can just brighten up the whole video with 1 click. And you can even add funny filters. You will noticed one of the videos with a funny retro edit and that credit goes to Youtube.

Funny Story: The game we game here is a race to 7, meaning to say the 1st team who reaches 7 point 1st wins but we always have this problem of people not counting the score after awhile and we go "huh, eh how much ah?" All grown man can ball but can't count,so if you are a hot, pretty, nice, sexy, young lady who can count your balls very well. Please do join us. :D

There's always space for you in between my legs at the courtside.
ANYWAY, The game will still be on tonight (27th Aug) but sorry, Mr.Smith is going for party and lancing lancing so there will be no recording.

And on another news, Metta World Peace going back to Lakers? SERIOUSLY?

Anyway here are the videos for both 13th and 20th.  

Our Balls - By Spalding, True to the game.


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